$8.00 $10.00
Woza Moya is an income generation project of the Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust. It helps those in need regain Hope and Dignity by getting them to use their creativity to earn an income. At present Woza Moya acts as an agent for over 200/300 crafters. As the AIDS epidemic increases more families are turning to us for help and we assist them by offering training in different crafts. Woza Moya markets the goods made and we have a small shop on the centre premises. The Little Travellers are one of the Craft products we produce at the centre.
These dolls are symbols of hope because they have enabled beaders to put food on the table, connect running water to their homes, make electricity connections and purchase of essential items.
Estimated : 5cm
$15.00 $20.00
Colour will given in random. Small - 75cm